Welcome to Designed Outta Line!
What started out as a journey to empower and create turned into a wide range of outlets, none of which were planned - they were grown into.
Part of our message is inspiring the chaos and that is to inspire not just the freedom and beauty of who we are as humans, but to recapture ourselves and the passion of life.
To see this and your beauty, to appreciate all these things we judge and etch deeply into our souls that inhibit what we feel and express and let them out.
I want you to laugh, to cry, to remember and re-find all these elements that color your soul and empower it to go forward and color the world; with you, I share my own colors and hope that as we experience each other, we birth something together.
Currently, Designed Outta Line moves as a source of income to support Copisync Services and working for free with low-income individuals/families with disabilities and special needs as an advocate.
I truly believe we can create and share beauty, as well as empower it in others; whether you are just passing by or support our efforts with purchases, I hope to have inspired something in you and together, we make each day a little more colorful and cut out of the lines that fight us to define them.
You are beautiful - let it shine!